Saturday, March 29, 2008
Camp Ne-O-Tez Annual Dinner
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Easter Egg Hunts!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Spring Break Friday!
We picked up a few things at the Team Store (imagine that)! Then our next stop was Vashon High School - not sure why but Colton wanted to see Vashon. We called Grandpa and he got the address and we headed to Vashon. Nobody wanted to get out and pose for pics there. By this time, 3 teenage boys were ready for lunch. We headed to Blueberry Hill. The sun was shining and the U. City Loop was buzzing! We were late for lunch but the place was still packed.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Matt's Basket Ball Tourney - Nancy
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Youth Retreat at Camp Ne-O-Tez
Thursday, March 13, 2008
You Won't Believe What Marlin Did! (Nancy)
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Family Picture from Marlin's Tribute
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
SCW is in State FINAL FOUR!
St. Charles West High School is in the State Final Four in boys basketball! Colton and Kyle are fired up for the semi-final game on Friday at 2:00 pm. The game is played in Columbia at Mizzou Arena. They are expecting 500 students from SCW to attend the game (they have about 950 enrollment)! Mom, Dad, JD and Eric are also headed to the game. Carla and Nancy just couldn't get their schedules arranged :( Good Luck to the Warriors!
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Tribute to Marlin
Marsha Kloske did this bulletin board and folks were able to post all types of messages, stories, etc. Steve Jones helped to emcee the event. There were a variety of speakers from all over. We had two former ministers, two former youth ministers, two former bus ministers, guys he used to serve as an elder with and scores of friends and family. He received a beautiful clock/plaque and another beautiful plaque. From Maryland Heights they are starting " A Marlin Henley Camp Ne-O-Tez scholarship fund" for a kid from Maryland Heights. They are also going to be working on a special plaque to go up at Ne-O-Tez. This was an emotional day for so many of us as we shared not only Dad but also our dearest friend, Gene Jones.
Dad Dad and Flo Jones Rowland
Taking it all in! David Smith sharing some special thoughts.