Sunday, March 2, 2008

Tribute to Marlin

Today there was a "Tribute To Marlin" at Maryland Heights. It was a HUGE surprise to Marlin and in his words he was "flabbergasted". It was put together by Steve Kloske. I will have more pics and thoughts to post later but here are a few. .

Marsha Kloske did this bulletin board and folks were able to post all types of messages, stories, etc. Steve Jones helped to emcee the event. There were a variety of speakers from all over. We had two former ministers, two former youth ministers, two former bus ministers, guys he used to serve as an elder with and scores of friends and family. He received a beautiful clock/plaque and another beautiful plaque. From Maryland Heights they are starting " A Marlin Henley Camp Ne-O-Tez scholarship fund" for a kid from Maryland Heights. They are also going to be working on a special plaque to go up at Ne-O-Tez. This was an emotional day for so many of us as we shared not only Dad but also our dearest friend, Gene Jones.

Dad Dad and Flo Jones Rowland

Taking it all in! David Smith sharing some special thoughts.


Anonymous said...

Marlin, You certainly deserved the recognition that you received today. You are one in a million.

Larry Franke

Ed. Tritschler said...

You truly deserved YOUR DAY!!!!
Your encouragement over I guess 35 years or more will never be forgotten

Ang said...

Marlin, I don't know how many times I have heard my mom say, recently, You were still HER elder, and if she had a problem she would still go to you.
So glad Steve put this all together for you, I am sure with lots of help, you deserve it!!!

Unknown said...

Jerry and I wished we could have been there. Thanks for being you-cause you are awesome! We're looking forward to seeing more pics! We love you,
Jerry and Terri