Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Fun

Each year we have a Halloween Open House - so much fun! Awesome friends, incredible weather, fall food, and unreal costumes from the young to the older! We had a variety of "guests"!

Eric as the "Burger King King" and Angie as J.Lo - she said she had the hoops, the velour and the booty!

Susan dressed as the "Bride of Frankenstein" - way to recycle your wedding veil! Jeff Horton was dressed as a "rocker" or Chuck Pudiwitr!
Lexi as Hannah Montana and Gracie as a darling Kitty Cat!
After 5 years of being at Harding it was great to have Jeffrey back at the party. He started coming when he was a young kiddo! We have hosted this Open House since 1989.


Anonymous said...

So fun and pictures so funny!!

Please make sure people know that I do have my own "booty" but that was an "enhanced booty" with a PILLOW!!!!!
Ang aka J Lo

Thanks for the fun!

Henley Family said...

Ang- the best was Dad had no clue who J.Lo was and I was trying to explain to him and then I said - Dad she has a pillow in her pants - he was like whew I thought that maybe it was real! I cracked up. It was great to have all of your family here. I didn't get a pic of your whole group so if you have one please email it to me so I can print for scrapbook. Nancy