Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving Memories

Grandma (Carolyn) asked everyone to share a Thanksgiving memory . .here they are in no particular order . .

Marching in the St. Louis Thanksgiving Day Parade

Matching family sweatshirts worn to Silver Dollar City

Having very little money and eating hot dogs and stove top stuffing and then heading home to STL for good food (taking the leftovers home!)

The windshield wipers going out in a horrible rainstorm and Lori having a meltdown in Litchfield

Thanksgiving at Grannie and Grandpa O's and Thanksgiving at the "cabin" of Grannie and Grandpa Henley. Eating and hanging out with all the family.

56 years ago (1953) playing in the West Frankfort Redbirds vs. the Benton Rangers Thanksgiving Football game and winning 34 to 13! I was a Redbird! Homecoming Dance was that night and telling my date (she asked me) that I'd meet her at the dance and then eating dinner and falling asleep and waking up the next morning (hadn't told my parents I was supposed to go to dance so nobody woke me up!)

Leaving STL to head to Southern Illinois and as we cross the Mississippi River singing "Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother's house we go"!

When the "boys" were little putting up the tree and giving them holiday outfits and pjs.

As a young girl my Dad and brother watching football and my sister, Chris loving football and chocolate pie. Chris getting so excited during the game that she jumped up and her pie went flying and hit the ceiling!

Smoked turkey and baked turkey.

Going to Silver Dollar City and the Singing Christmas Tree Show!

November 30, 1985 asking Carla "Do you want to be a Henley?" Getting engaged that day!

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