Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Camp Ne-O-Tez Volleyball Tourney

Sunday was the annual Camp Ne-O-Tez volleyball tournament at Maryland Heights. It was a great day for camp and the kids had a ball. I didn't get a ton of pics since we were all busy running the concession stand. JD and Dan Turner are the grill masters. JD has been doing this for years.
The last couple of years Dad has started the french fry tradition. He did 69# on Sunday!

Mom is his efficient assistant!

Uncle Mike is famous for his delicious funnel cakes - there is a line all day for them!

Kyle was helping everywhere - what a great guy!
This is one of the very rare moments when Carla sat down. Eric was playing but somehow I have no pics of that event!

Always fun to have friends there for the day . .

Chuck is the announcer!
Our precious friend Karen - she also jumped in to help us clean up!

Jimmy taking in the volleyball tourney from the "preacher" side - not the youth minister side!
Loren is checking out the action!

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