Friday, March 11, 2011

The 50th Anniversary Party for Aunt Carol and Uncle MIke

We had a great evening celebrating Aunt Carol and Uncle Mike's 50th Wedding Anniversary. They were truly surprised - Susan and Jill you did a fabulous job!
Their "son" Charles honoring them with comments about how much they have meant to him and what they have taught him.

So surprised to see Jill, Nick and Zoe. The grandkids could hardly wait for Pop-Pop and Grandma to arrive!

Granddaughters - Reagin, Katy and Zoe

Grandsons - Nick, Luke and Jack
Uncle Mike sharing some thoughts with all of us.
Each grandkid shared something special about their grandparents.
Brothers Mike and Marlin. Uncle Mike is having radiation onthe area around the eye so that is why the black spot.

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