Monday, April 25, 2011

Tornado Update

Friday evening the Bridgeton area was hit by a F4 tornado. The sound and aftermath are nothing I had ever experienced. Mom, Dad and I are fine - we have a home still standing and repairable damage. We are without power but have a generator (posting from offsite). We have a great family, church family and Pattonville family. People are asking how can we help. Our damages are to the deck, the backyard - most of the trees are gone, garage, roof, ac, and the three vehicles. Below are a few of the pictures. Standing in our back driveway you used to only see trees now we can see clear to Harmann Estates. There are two homes just behind ours on Red Hawk that have been ruined. One is a home Dad built (side note when he saw home he said well we did something right as the main I beam is still in place). Our school district has staff and students who have no home and their lives have been devastated. If you want to help we are collecting supplies at Maryland Heights Church to deliver. We are collecting cleaning supplies, hygiene items, plastic totes. If you are on facebook go to the Pattonville provides page for more information. Thank you for all of you who have offered and come to help. God is good and he provided safety for our family. Our new view from back driveway.

Back window of Dad's truck gone - windows inside are for the First Aid Center at Camp Ne-O-Tez - the windows were unharmed :)

Deck roof down on deck.

Back drive area.

Jimmy (sporting the oh so stylish orange flower gloves), Jeremy, Carissa and Bob (not pictured) were there on Saturday morning to help! Uncle Mike was there cleaning up the back of the drive -so much debris and glass.

Our Christmas tree planted in 1970 was uprooted and took down the privacy fence.

Between our house and neighbors completely filled with large trees down. The pretty flowers survived.

Front of our house.

Lori, Rod, and Matt made a quick trip to STL and to help out. We went over to Taylor and they were lending some height to help. This is the home where Aunt Carol and Uncle Mike lived and Susan and Jill grew up in. That house is destroyed.

JD and Carla were in Searcy but quickly jumped in today with all kinds of help. We celebrated Easter. We were hosting but Aunt Carol and Uncle Mike stepped in took the food and we had Easter dinner at their home.

I ask that you continue to pray for those that are displaced and have so much damage. Mom, Dad and I know that God spared us from great damage and our lives and we are grateful.

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