Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Happy 49th Anniversary Mom and Dad

Marlin and Carolyn were married on August 16th, 1958. It was a typical August day - hot and humid. They were married at the Christopher, IL Church of Christ (Mom atteneded there growing up). The church was small and had no foyer so when you opened the doors you were in the aisle. Well . . . .. they had quite a crowd at the wedding and someone thought to set up folding chairs in the aisles - only problem was they used the sides and the center (kind of forgot the wedding party would need to come down the aisle) Needless to say there was some shuffling of seats. The church had no air conditioning and at one point the minister leaned over to Mom to let her know that she had a cricket in her veil. We are thankful for the priority they have put on raising a Godly family. It is their utmost desire that we would all remain faithful all the days of our lives. Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad! We love you!

At a Florida Beach - don't they look great!?! Fun fact: Did you know they met in first grade and went through third grade together (Dad moved) and then didn't meet again till December 1957 at a party at Dad's cousin's house! They were engaged by Easter and married in August. Mom was a senior at SIU-Carbondale and Dad a senior at Murray State, KY.


Anonymous said...

Nan-What a neat idea to put their wedding picture on this page. There is a cute pic of them together in WI-I sent it with Dad today.

Alissa said...

Happy Anniversary! What a blessing you are to your family and our church! We love you guys!

The Roades

Ang said...

How sweet!! I love their wedding pic and the story! Hope your anniversary was wonderful and COOL!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Marlin and Carolyn! Where's the party going to be next year? You're a great example. Love you, Jerry and Terri