Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Pre-Camp 2008

We had a wonderful time at Pre-Camp! It was a great experience and being able to share with 17 of our family was incredible. We started Sunday with worship at camp and the campers began to arrive by 2:00 pm. Sunday evening we had dinner and then Bible classes and made autograph bags (the kids used them to collect prizes at the carnival)! Campfire that night had a special guest, Steve Awtrey. He led the kids in some songs - Alfalfa Hay being one. Steve had the devo - kiddos headed to their cabins and they were pretty wound up but did go to sleep :) Monday brought camp cinnamon toast for breakfast and then a full day of activities. Messy Mondy Mania with Melinda is a huge hit! She had water balloon and egg toss, water relays and then a shaving cream fight. The kids love it! We finished off the night with skits and a Bible Scavenger Hunt (kids got Bible questions and they had to figure out the answer and then find the items). Tuesday was another busy day with Bible, crafts and swimming and then the afternoon of relays and the "carnival". Marlin had made different carnival games and we set up in the steel building. The campers rotated through the stations and had a blast. We finished the night with a parent dinner and program.

Click on the Ne-O-Tez blog for some more pics.


Terri and Kelsey said...

I saw 2 of your pre-campers at church tonight - Jessica C. & Bela. They both said they had a blast.

Ang said...

Looks like fun!!! My whole family is starting to get excited about going on Sunday! Everyday the kids ask if today is camp day!
Love the green shirts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ed. Tritschler said...

Looks like as much fun as giving tours at the stadium.
I vote the Henley family as the BEST!!! camp staff of 2006!!!!!!!

Ed. Tritschler said...

Oops!!!! I mean 2008