Monday, September 10, 2012

Camp Volleyball Tourney - Amazing Day!

Eric, Sydney and Matt
It was a fabulous day for the Camp Ne-O-Tez Volleyball Tournament!  We raised $2500 for camp and had a great time in the process.  Mom, Dad, JD, Carla, Lori, Rod, Kyle and myself worked the tourney and Eric and Matthew both played on the "Matt and the Midgets" team.  Thanks to our Maryland Heights family for your incredible support!

JD the grill master being assisted by Carla!

Eric has a wicked serve!

Matt's first time to play in the tourney.

Tori and Kyle scored Lipscomb t-shirts!

Dad and his dear friend and right hand guy Jason!

Watching Eric and Matt play volleyball.  Taking a brief break!

Lori and Rod were the sno-coine masters!

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