Thursday, January 24, 2008

Monticello Wins Region - Way to Go!

Marlin, Carolyn and Nancy drove up to Mattoon, IL for Matt's basketball game on Wednesday evening. They defeated Urbana 49-17. We spent the night so that we could go to the Regional final game tonight - Monticello beat Effingham 35-25. This is a seventh grade 3A team but during the playoffs they have moved them up to 4A so they are playing much bigger schools. Next week they play in sectionals (yes we plan to head to Charleston, IL for the game!)
Proud Parents. Jake was with us on Wednesday evening but he had to work Thursday night. We kept him updated by "texting" him the scores after each qtr. GO SAGES!


Anonymous said...

I would like to know what that boy eats to make him soooo TALLLLL!
Would it help for Donovan to start eating it now at 10yrs old?


Anonymous said...

Karen - I think it is genetics - check out Rod and Lori! They do eat a lot of meat and potatoes! Nancy

Anonymous said...

Matt has a hollow leg that never gets filled. He does like his meat and potatoes and chicken Quesadillas:)