Thursday night the Monticello IL Sages, 7th grade basketball team, won their conference championship. Their record is 19-0! Marlin, Carolyn, Lori, Rod and Jake were there to cheer Matt on to victory! This is an email we got from Lori : "It was a pretty exciting Conference Championship game last night. The Monticello boys played so great together against a very good Shelbyville team. The final score was 33-26 and Matt had 20 points and 17 rebound. His best game ever. He is one tired boy this morning. He never sat last night and he said those last 2 minutes of running up and down the court were hard." Congrats to Matt and the Sages. They have 2 non-conference games this week and then state playoffs begin. They have a bye the first round - their first game will be January 23rd! Matt with the conference trophy!

Grandpa, Jake and Matt - they sure don't get their height from Grandpa Henley!
Lori and one of Matt's fans -the center from the girls basketball team!
The team!

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